Aberkenfig Libraries Pop-up Library And Pop-up Post Office

004_Aberkenfig, Pyle & Mobile

Aberkenfig Library will be running a pop-up library during their closure period. The pop-up library will be open from 11am – 3pm on Tuesday’s from the 9th January to the 12th March 2024.

The location of the pop-up library will be at Aberkenfig Welfare Hall, Hope Avenue, Aberkenfig, CF32 9PR.

The pop-up Post Office will also be open at Aberkenfig Welfare Hall from 1:15pm – 3pm.

Looking for local Bounce and Rhyme sessions at your nearest Awen Libraries? On Thursdays, Pyle Library holds Bounce and Rhyme session at 10am and Sarn Library at 10.15 am while Bridgend Library holds sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10am.

Contact your local library now for more information and to book your free space at the sessions.

Computers and printing facilities will be available at Sarn Library Monday to Friday between 10am – 1pm, and 2pm – 5pm.

Contact Sarn Library on 01656 754853 for more information.

Other nearby Awen libraries are in Bridgend, Pyle and Betws Life Centre (Betws Library).

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